
March 5, 2015

Uneventful day. Research and engineering teams are each busy with their respective tasks. Wright is insistent that he's ready to return to duty; the Chief Surgeon insists a couple more days of physical therapy. A. Jones's condition hasn't improved. Someone (I suspect an engineer) left the coffee pot on overnight and nearly ruined the machine; fortunately for his career... nay, life (martial law has its privileges), it was salvaged . Everyone gives me a wide berth when walking by me... I've overheard them say that I'm "in a mood".

Not so much a mood, just that something doesn't add up. The aliens have already all but proven they have the tech, firepower, and numbers to wipe us out if they wanted. Why haven't they? What is their agenda? I need answers or we'll end up spinning wheels while the E.T.s get closer to whatever it is they're really here for. Unacceptable condition.

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