
March 8, 2015

While activity has globally begun to taper off, there are still enough alien sightings on the ground and in the sky to tell me that this has only just begun. We're being studied; I'm positive of it. But, they won't wipe us out, despite having the obvious means to, and they're not taking the full offensive, when they could easily bleed our global resources dry in a matter of hours. We're being hunted, stalked, poked and prodded. Instead of being sucked up into a UFO in the middle of the night in the woods in the middle of Montana, our planet has been abducted into some twisted, galactic game of chess... we need to be able to plot their next move before they even take it, or our King (me?) is going to topple to the board.

On a more positive note, Wright has been given the all clear and has already prepped his gear for duty. I think he's been going stir crazy in the infirmity. I'll just make sure he gets the chance to make up for lost time... as soon as I have a chance to give him.

E.T. phone somewhere...

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